I’m starting something new. 🙂 Post-lockdown, what could be nicer than a writing class in real life? I’m currently exploring community venues from which to offer my writing courses. Out of necessity, they’ll be around London (as that is where I live) – however, the Zoom courses will continue for people outside London. It won’t have to be Creative Writing and Coffee – it could be Creative Writing and Cocktails – or perhaps, Creative Writing and Craft Beer – all depending on the location!

In other news, I’ve recently had a couple of articles published. One in The Guardian and one on VinylFactory.com
I’ve started out as a roots reggae DJ, and am currently exploring the UK reggae scene in my own writing. It’s been fun!

Please get in touch with any queries – or suggestions for class venues – and I’ll be happy to help.

Happy New Year everyone. Let’s make 2023 the one when all our writing dreams come true.

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