Testimonials – Creative Writing Courses
I have had the pleasure of attending four terms of Becca’s creative writing classes, and I can genuinely say that I’ve learnt so much. I struggled with mental health issues, which made me very anxious about engaging in group activities and sharing my work. However, Becca’s unwavering encouragement and positivity helped me to overcome these hurdles. Her guidance was invaluable in boosting my confidence and helping me to find my own unique voice as a writer. I highly recommend Becca’s classes to anyone looking to improve their writing skills in a supportive environment.
I learnt about aspects of writing that I’d never considered before. As someone who has taken a lot of writing courses, I didn’t expect so much that was new.
The exercises helped me think about things in a different way and break out of old habits.
It was good to be with a group of supportive like-minded people and hear their writing.
I didn’t know how Zoom would work, but it was a necessity and actually worked very well – having people from four different countries added to the richness.
It’s been really good to do something different. I’ve got a few pieces that can be developed further. It has been a hard time for writing with lockdown, but the course has kept me focused.
I haven’t written short stories or flash fiction for a long time, and it was good to get back into that.
Tutor’s preparation really showed and was varied and thought-provoking.
Very comprehensive delivery. Very professional.
The course has really helped my writing. It has given me choices as to what style to do my writing in. It has also been thought-provoking and encouraged me to think about what I want to deliver. A huge bonus and incentive for me is hauling my writing up to a standard in order to read out my work to the rest of the group, which has been the key part of this process for me. Also, the group have become friends. I enjoy their company and the group dynamic.
Becca was very much a facilitator helping us discover and share creative expressions, very encouraging and sensitive to how much exposure people wanted to have to share their work.
Often the exercises got me thinking outside the box.
The course has helped me to explore new perspectives when writing. It has above all else helped me to rediscover the enjoyment of story-telling. It has also been a very nice social interaction which we all need right now.
It was a lovely group, which gelled more as the weeks progressed.
It was really useful to get exercises to do in the class as it meant there was no avoiding them! And they helped to nail down theories that had been discussed.
Becca involved everyone and encouraged people to participate.
This course was delivered to a high standard. And the preparatory element and backup articles and exercises were excellent.
I was quite sad when the course ended because it has been such good fun and we all got on so well. Would highly recommend this course to anyone.