There’s just time for me to run three consecutive short courses before Easter. I’ll be starting Course 4 at Forest Hill Library on Tues 11 March (evenings); and Course 2 at the Sunflower Centre on Thurs 13 March (afternoons). I’ll also be starting the Course 1 introduction online on Monday 24 February (evenings). It is possible to start at any point of the four courses, as we always review what we’ve done earlier (especially the Course 1 learning) as we go through the others. You can do the courses in any order, too. In other news, I’ve got my online shop fully functional, so you can book on this website without paying the added EventBrite fee. All courses, booked here, are just £135. If you’d rather go via Eventbrite, you still can, and all the courses are up there, too (search for Creative Writing for Wellbeing, London). Please feel very welcome to get in touch if you have any questions prior to booking and I’ll be more than happy to answer them. If you can’t afford a course at the moment, please consider subscribing to the mailing list, as I’ve applied for funding to run some free courses which would start in July, in Deptford. Obviously, this may not happen – it just depends on whether I’m successful. So subscribe for updates below, and keep watching this space!